Publication Ethic Policy

ETUDE: Journal of Educational Research is published since 2020 by Mitra Palupi, Indonesia. ETUDE: Journal of Educational Research editorial board is responsible for maintaining its scientific reputation. Our editors-in-chief are responsible for editorial policy, and the board of editors is reponsible for scientific content and performing editorial tasks. The journal publishes theoretical, analytical and research articles in the fields of linguistics, interdisciplinary linguistic studies, psycholinguistics, pedagogical psychology, methods of teaching languages and cross-cultural communication. The editorial staff members are guided in their work by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (see the link), and take into account the valuable experience of reputable international journals and publishers.

Originality and Plagiarism

Duplicate submission/publication occurs when two or more papers without full cross-reference, share the same hypothesis, data, discussion and conclusion. Excessive borrowing and plagiarism in all forms, including lack of attribution, rephrasing and misappropriating results of someone else’s research, is unethical and unacceptable.

Submission of the same manus­cript to more than one journal constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable. Authors should not submit for publication a previously published article.

The works of other researchers should be clearly identified. Authors should provide references to publications that have influenced the content of the submitted paper.

Publication and Authorship

By the fact of submitting materials for publication in ETUDE: Journal of Educational Research, the authors confirm their authorship and agree that in case of the admission of these materials to the publication they can be placed in electronic databases with the obligatory indication of authorship.

Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors.

Licensed relationship

For all articles published in ETUDE: Journal of Educational Research, copyright is retained by the authors. Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, meaning that anyone may download and read the paper for free. In addition, the article may be reused and quoted provided that the original published version is cited. These conditions allow for maximum use and exposure of the work, while ensuring that the authors receive proper credit.

Conflict of Interest and Competing Interests

Conflict of interest is a situation in which financial or other personal interests are likely to make professional judgment and objectivity bias and untrustworthy.

Authors should disclose all financial/relevant interest that may have influenced the development of the manuscript. In cases of Academic Conflict of Interest where an individual (reviewer, editor or editorial board member) has bias or personal interest that can obstruct the peer-review, the individual should declare their conflicts of interest and refuse participation in the review process.

When members of the Editorial Board or Team make a submission, it is directed to reviewers outside the journal for double blind reviewing in order to avoid any conflict of interest.

Any relevant competing interests of authors must be available to editors during the review process and must be declared by authors in the published work. Conflict of interest exists when an author (or the author's institution) has financial or personal relationships with other persons or organisations that inappropriately influence (bias) their opinions or actions. 

Authors must declare:
All sources of research funding, including direct and indirect financial support, supply of equipment or materials, or other forms of conflict of interest, which may have prevented them from executing and publishing unbiased research.
The role of the research funder(s) or sponsor (if any) in the research design, execution, analysis, interpretation and reporting.
Any other relevant financial and non-financial interests and relationships that might be considered likely to affect the interpretation of their findings or which editors, reviewers or readers might reasonably wish to know. This includes any relationship to the book/journal (for example, if editors wish to publish their own research in their own work).


A submitted manuscript is a confidential material. Academic Journals will not disclose submitted manuscript to anyone except individuals who partake in the processing and preparation of the manuscript for publication (the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher).

Peer Review

All manuscripts submitted to ETUDE: Journal of Educational Research go through a blind peer-review process that determines if a manuscript is fit or unfit for publication. ETUDE: Journal of Educational Research operates a double blind review process.

Author(s) identity is removed from the manuscript and shielded from the reviewers during the review process. The reviewer is left with only the manuscript without any information that might enable him/her uncovers the identity of the author(s).

Reviewers make one of the following recommendations:

  • accepted for publication;
  • accepted with minor modifications (The manuscript requires some revisions before it can be accepted);
  • accepted with major modifications (The Journal is interested, but the manuscript is not acceptable in its current form and needs to be revised to be considered for publication);
  • willing rejection (The manuscript is not suitable for publication unless the authors conduct further research or collect additional data);
  • not accepted (Publication is declined and the reviewers’ comments are provided to the authors).

 The review reports are sent to the authors.

Duties of Editors and Editorial Board

  • The Publisher and the Editorial Board are completely responsible for deciding which of the manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published.
  • The Editor makes an impartial decision on publication by evaluating the intellectual content of the manuscript. The evaluation of the manuscripts must be accomplished in an objective and nondiscriminatory way.
  • Editorial decisions are not influenced by the origins of the manuscript including nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors.
  • The Editor does not accept a manuscript for publication in the event that there are sufficient grounds to suspect plagiarism.
  • Editors reserve the right to reduce and to edit the text of articles.
  • Editors do not allow any possible conflict of interests to arise.
  • In cases of suspected publication misconduct by any participant of the editorial process, public investigation must be pursued.

Duties of Reviewers

Reviewers form the cornerstone of the peer-review process, and their evaluations ensure the quality of published research. Contribution to Editorial Decisions – Peer review assists the editor in making editorial decisions and through the editorial communications with the author may also assist the author in improving the paper. Every paper is reviewed by a minimum of two experts, who have all the opportunity to make an impartial evaluation regarding the level and clarity of the material presented.

Peer reviewers make an expert review of a manuscript in accordance with the following principles:

  1. to provide an objective and substantiated estimation of results presented in the manuscript. Personal criticism of the author(s) is not allowed.
  2. to notify the Editor if he/she does not have the expertise to assess all aspects of the manuscript or cannot be impartial because of conflict of interests. He/she should ask the Editor to excuse himself/herself from the review process.
  3. to identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation.

Duties of Authors

  • to report precisely the originality and significance of their research;
  • to submit only original work and use citations for any already reported material;
  • to avoid self-plagiarism (attempt to republish own previously published work without significant changes),
  • to ensure that the article is an exclusive material and has not been previously published or sent to other journals;
  • to take full responsibility for the content, scientific context and legal aspects of their manuscripts;
  • to inform the editorial board about errors in the article at any stage of material processing or after the publication of the article;
  • to participate in the process of reviewing.

Author and Reviewer Fees

Like other open-access journals starting March 2022, ETUDE: Journal of Educational Research charges $22 (USD) as an article processing charge (APC).  The APC is due once the article is accepted after a blind review process, and is charged to you, your institution, or your employer. There is no submission fee or any other hidden fee. This fee covers the e-version of the paper.
Peer reviewers are not paid for the peer reviewing.