Pelatihan rancangan karya seni pertunjukan “Helaran Kamonesan Cisaat” sebagai atraksi wisata di Desa Wisata Cisaat Subang
seni pertunjukan, atraksi wisata, helaranAbstract
Cisaat Village, which is a collaborative partner for community preservation in 2022, is a village that is included in the category of potential tourist villages with its natural resources and human resources who have the enthusiasm to develop as a superior community-based tourism village. There is still a need for institutional and human resource development. Cisaat tourist village as a tourist destination has cultural potential in the form of Sisingaan arts, pencak silat, Jaipong dance and traditional Gemyung music. The form and presentation of the show are still natural and simple, so new arrangements and creativity are needed in the presentation. In community service in 2022, training was held on the design of the performing arts "Helaran kamonesan cisaat" as a tourist attraction. Helaran was chosen as a carnival art that will provide an interesting presentation of the potential possessed by the Cisaat community which can be displayed to visitors to the Cisaat Wisa Village, and become a unique tourist attraction from Cisaat.
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