Teaching Pantomime for Elementary Students


  • Nuryansyah Adijaya Universitas Esa Unggul




pantomime, learning support, teaching materials


Background: The development of digital teaching materials is sought to help teachers in the learning process. solitary materials were selected and believed to be able to be teaching materials that could facilitate teachers in the learning process both synchronously and asynchronously. The learning material referred to in the research is mime material.

Purpose: this study aims to determine the extent of mime learning efforts for elementary school students.

Design and methods: This research belongs to the category of literature study research considering that the data sources mostly refer to document analysis. Documents were collected through various sources, including journals, books, online news media, and video documents related to pantomime.

Results: Pantomime learning for elementary school children is embedded by the government through a number of activity programs on the content of learning arts and culture.


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How to Cite

Adijaya, N. (2021). Teaching Pantomime for Elementary Students. ARDU: Journal of Arts and Education, 1(2), 59–65. https://doi.org/10.56724/ardu.v1i2.70