Pelatihan menulis puisi siswa kelas tinggi dengan teknik pemodelan di desa Cipicung
Poetry, Training, Modelling TechnicalAbstract
Writing poetry is not much in demand by students because it requires the right time to think. In addition, students have difficulty in stringing words to get beautiful and imaginative words. Poetry writing training using modeling techniques in the form of free and acrostic poetry at SDN Cipicung 05 as a solution to the lack of interest in writing poetry for students at SDN Cipicung 05. There are 82 students in high grade. The students were able to write poetry in the free form of poetry and in the acrostic form. The rest there were still students who needed assistance related to poetry writing. This activity is said to be quite successful because 87% of the students have succeeded in pouring their ideas, imagination and thoughts into writing in which diction is composed quite well so that it brings out the meaning of the written writing.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2022 Muhammad Ichsan, Fachri Helmanto, Nuryansyah Adijaya, Gina Rohmatunnisa Kholilah, Uswah Mujahadatun Nisa, Muhammad Nur Fadli, Rasikah Apta Rena, Sintia Indahsari, Fazriawati Due, Annisa Maulida, Anisa Agustin, Indra Jaya

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