Aphorism using and meaning in Raja Mati play script
Eugene Ionesco, translation play script, psychological of charactersAbstract
Background: Raja Mati is one of the famous popular play for college students. It is full of meaning psychologically. The script is about a king whom got dying from sickness. As the death will come, people tend to speak wise. To identify how wise the words is delivered in the dialogue. An aphorism investigation is proposed.
Purpose: This study aims to identify the aphorism in Indonesian version of Le Roi Se Meurt by Ionesco titled Raja Mati. Further, this study investigates what kind of messages that the aphorism line tells to.
Design and methods: This study uses content analysis investigating dialogue in the written script. The dialogues are placed in a table to help investigating whether the line consist semantically an aphorism or not. each row represents a line of dialogue. Next, the lines are analyzed to reveal what is the background of the maxims generated to obtain the main information. To verify the results, the triangulation of the data source technique is used. Verification is used to distinguish between maxims and others.
Results: This study reveals Raja Mati has 4 aphorisms that mostly belongs to line of Machgrit. Aphorism in Raja Mati emphasize the maturity of characters. The content of aphorisms are related to time and action.
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