Analysis of Fable Character Value Contained In 2nd Grade Theme 7 Books
Keywords: Character Values, Fables, Thematic BooksAbstract
Background: This research is motivated by the problem of the importance of instilling character values from an early age to grade 2 elementary school students. The title of this study was taken because the researcher wanted to identify the content of character values in the text of fables contained in thematic books on the theme of 7th grade 2 SD based on the Guidelines for Implementation of Character Education as an effort to build student development in education applied by the Ministry of Education and Culture (2011).
Purpose: This study was to identify the content of character values in the text of fables contained in thematic books on the theme of 7th grade 2 SD based on the Guidelines for Implementation of Character Education.
Design and methods: This study used a qualitative research method with a content analysis research design. The source of the data used is the thematic book of the 7th grade class 2 SD theme. The instrument used is based on the indicators contained in the Guidelines for Implementation of Character Education implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture (2011).
Results: The results of this study indicate that the fables contained in the thematic books on the 7th grade of 2nd grade elementary school contain character values in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture's Guidelines for Implementation of Character Education (2011). The character values found are honest, discipline, hard work, curiosity, friendly/communicative, peace-loving, social care, and responsibility. There are ten-character values that are not contained in the 7th grade 2 SD theme book, namely religious character values, tolerance, creative, independent, democratic, national spirit, love for the motherland, respect for achievement, love to read, care for the environment. Of the 8-character values found in the fairy tale book, there are 2 most dominant character values, namely the character values of hard work and love of peace. Then in the suitability analysis that the character values contained in the fables are in accordance with the thematic books on the 7th grade class 2 elementary school theme.
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