Profile description of Pancasila students in fiction in the thematic book for grade 3

loving plants and animals’ chapter


  • Siti Nurhayati Universitas Djuanda
  • Fachri Helmanto Universitas Djuanda



Background:  Fiction text is one of the genres of literary works containing fictional story elements created by the author’s imagination. Fiction is believed to be a reading that adds knowledge, insight, enlightens the soul of the reader, and as an effort to instill values, especially the value of educational character to students.

Purpose: This study aims to determine the value of educational characters in fiction stories.

Design and methods: This research was conducted using a qualitative approach to content analysis methods or content analysis with descriptive analysis techniques. The source of the data used is the document in the form of a grade 3 thematic book on the chapter of loving plants and animals.

Results: The results of the study revealed that in the text of fiction in the thematic book grade 3 theme 2 elementary school there are character values ​​of faith, fear of God Almighty with elements of personal morals, and character values ​​of mutual cooperation with elements of caring and sharing. Meanwhile, the character values ​​that have not yet emerged are global diversity, independence, critical reasoning, and creativity.


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How to Cite

Nurhayati, S., & Helmanto, F. (2021). Profile description of Pancasila students in fiction in the thematic book for grade 3: loving plants and animals’ chapter. LADU: Journal of Languages and Education, 2(1), 15–22.

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